I love good coffee and work as a barista in Copenhagen

Fruity sweetness and very clear taste notes

Hi, my name is Jonas, I've had a chance to do a tasting on two different beans from La Cabra, which Bean Bros. are currently trying out, for their upcoming shipment in September, I come up with a good brewing recipe for these beans. One bean, called Konga, is from Ethiopia, and has a fruity sweetness and very clear taste notes of black tea. The other one is Kaiguri, from Kenya and has loads of rhubarb acidity mixed with blackcurrant notes.

I've done brewing of these beans on both the Hario V60 and AeroPress, which are both super easy to use at home. You'll only need a grinder, scale, timer, and preferably a Buono kettle or similar).

Let's start out with the V60:
Total amount of water (1 cup): 220 gr
Total brewing time: 2.00 minutes
  1. Insert the V60-filter into the dripper and soak the filter with hot water (92 degrees celcius) letting it drip into the cup.

  2. Weigh and grind beans

  3. Empty the cup from the water that dripped down, place it on the scale and reset scale.

  4. Put in coffee grounds and make sure the weight is right.

  5. Reset scale and start timer. From now on, it's important to watch weight and time simultaneously. 

  6. Pouring technique (with a Buono kettle): Pour in counter-clockwise circles, always pouring where the coffee grounds are (not on the sides of the filter) <<

  7. Blooming: Pour 30g, wait till 30 sec.

  8. Agitation: Before the 30 sec. have gone, agitate to soaked grounds with a spoon to make sure the extraction is even. Make sure to get all the grounds off the spoon into the dripper again.

  9. After the 30 sec: pour till 90g, wait till 50 sec.

  10. After the 50 sec: pour evenly till you hit 220g, which should have run through at around 2.00 minutes.

Weight and grind for the beans for V60:
Konga (Ethiopia):
Beans: 16g
Grind: 7,2 (on a Mahlkönig EK-43)
Kaiguri (Kenya):
Beans: 16g
Grind: 6,7 (on a Mahlkönig EK-43).


Now I will brew the same beans using AeroPress.
Again, there are different ways to brew on an AeroPress. I'm doing the "inverted" method:
Total amount of water (1 cup): 220g
Total brewing time: 2.00 minutes.
  1. Place filter in filter holder and soak with hot water (92 degress celcius).

  2. Weigh and grind beans

  3. Pull the piston back to just above the number "4" on the AeroPress cylinder. Place AeroPress upside-down (resting on the piston) on the scale. The opening of the cylinder should now face upwards. Reset scale. 

  4. Put coffee grounds into the cylinder, make sure the weight is right.

  5. Reset scale and start timer. From now on, it's important to watch weight and time simultaneously. 

  6. Blooming: Pour 30g, wait till 30 sec.

  7. After 30 sec: Pour till you hit 220g.

  8. Stir approx. eight times with stirring spoon.

  9. Tighten filter to the AeroPress

  10. At 1'30" place AeroPress on your cup with the filter facing downwards, into the cup.

  11. Begin pressing the piston down. This should take 30 sec total (from 1'30" to 2'00").




Konga (Ethiopia):
Beans: 16g
Grind: 11,5 (on a Wilfa WSCG-2, which goes from grind 1-18).
Kaiguri (Kenya):
Beans: 16g
Grind: 10,5 (on a Wilfa WSCG-2)

Of course, coffee is a taste matter, so some people might prefer another amount of beans or grind, or a whole other way of brewing, but I really like this recipe and I hope you will too! Share in the comments below what recipe do you prefer and how you prepare your favourite cup of coffee, cant wait to try what you came up with.

If you made it this far in my little blog, thanks for reading and thanks for your patience ;) Enjoy your coffee!


  • Paul

    I’m interested in Wilfa setting for AeroPress method – do you remember on which word it was set? I will treat as a starting point for further experiments, cheers!

  • Alvin

    Nice work! The V60 and Aeropress are two of my favourite brew methods as well!

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