ORIGAMI AIR - Dripper Transparent - Bean Bros.
ORIGAMI AIR - Dripper Transparent - Bean Bros.
ORIGAMI AIR - Dripper Transparent - Bean Bros.
ORIGAMI AIR - Dripper Transparent - Bean Bros.
ORIGAMI AIR - Dripper Transparent - Bean Bros.
ORIGAMI AIR - Dripper Transparent - Bean Bros.
ORIGAMI AIR - Dripper Transparent - Bean Bros.
ORIGAMI AIR - Dripper Transparent - Bean Bros.

ORIGAMI AIR - Dripper Transparent

Normaler Preis €32.00 Sonderpreis€25.00 Sparen €7.00
inkl. MwSt.
  • Schnelle weltweite Lieferung
  • Sichere Zahlungen

Origami Dripper - Transparent

The Origami Dripper Air is a plastic pour-over dripper that's both beautiful and functional for coffee lovers who want to make the best-tasting coffee.

The Origami design, the Japanese art of folding paper, is simple and elegant. It has been in practice for hundreds of years. The Dripper, named after the same spirit, is inspired by Origami, a playful, creative, but delicate craft. It shares many of these characteristics in coffee brewing.

The pour-over dripper has 20 vertical grooves that are evenly spaced and create a continuous flow of water through the coffee grounds. To regulate the brew time, air pockets are formed between the Dripper and the filter. This ensures perfect extraction every time.

The Dripper's conical shape allows for the most fitting brew stand and carafes. People who love coffee making and the art of brewing it are proud to own the Origami Dripper.

The Origami Dripper Features:

Inspired By Art – The Dripper's shape is inspired by Origami (the art of folding).

Enhanced flow 20 deep grooves allow for water to flow through the air pockets.

Dripper Holder - Can be purchased separately

2 Sizes The 'S’ will make 1-2 cups 
High Contrast Colors – Visually stunning colors to choose from

Choose the matching paper filter: Paper filter designed for Origami Dripper



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Bean Bros monatliche Auswahl an Bohnen ergibt den besten Geschmack und die beste Kaffeequalität, die man trinken kann. Sie leisten eine erstaunliche Arbeit

Sylva Bocsa
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Ich habe mein Bean Bros-Paket wirklich geliebt. Es war sorgfältig verpackt und kam in einem großartigen Zustand nach Zypern. Ich kaufte eine "Wilfa Uniform Coffee Grinder - Silver without Scale - WSFB-100S" als Weihnachtsgeschenk für meinen Bruder. Ich bin sicher, er wird es lieben. Ich würde Ihre Website sicherlich einem Freund empfehlen.

Stella Panaji
Bewertung von Trustpilot

I had a very positive experience with Bean Bros. They immediately answered on all my questions and the shipping was very fast and the items well packed. The Varia Aku scale is very well made, has simple and fast settings and doesn’t rattle on the drip tray. Highly recommend.

Review from Trustpilot