Gesha Village Estate Ethiopia
Gesha Village Estate in Ethiopia

We are proud to feature two lots from the Gesha Village Estate in our Holiday Box this year.
Gesha Village is a labour of love and product of true passion. The land for the farm was selected for its beauty and many perfect factors, that contribute to producing coffees that are renowned for their quality, flavour and clarity. The Gesha Village Estate is divided into eight “blocks” for added transparency and traceability of terroir, where three different varieties are planted and harvested.Each block has its own micro-climate and soil conditions, which result in the coffees developing unique characteristics specific to each block.The lots we have selected for you are the Gesha 1931 varieties. These are a selection made from the diverse forest population that closely resembles the Panamanian Gesha.

Gesha Village lies in the Bench Maji Zone of the South-Western part of Ethiopia, close to the border with South Sudan. In the high altitude humid forests where the Great Rift Valley passes into South Sudan, this area is thought to be the birthplace of Arabica coffee and is still home to great genetic diversity. Here at Gesha Village, however, one varietal sits in the spotlight; Geisha.
Adam Overton and Rachel Samuel first traveled to Ethiopia in 2007 to make a documentary about its unique coffee production method and fell in love with the country. During that short trip, they decided that they would eventually move to the country to start producing coffee themselves. Gesha Village is a 471-hectare coffee farm in Gesha, Ethiopia, with an astonishing elevation of 1,909-2,069 masl. This estate is divided into eight "blocks" for added transparency and traceability of terroir, where three different gesha varieties are planted and harvested. Each block has its own micro-climate and soil conditions, which result in the coffees developing unique characteristics specific to each block.
The particular lot that we are featuring in our Holiday Specials is the Gesha 1931 (G31) variety, grown in Surma and the Oma Block.
Gesha nr1: Lot number: 88
Harvest: 2020
Producer: Adam Overton & Rachel Samuel
Region: Oma, Gesha
Origin: Ethiopia
Altitude: 1,931-2,049m
Varietal: Gesha 1931 (G31)
Process: Natural
Flavours: White grape, Peach and Jasmine.
Gesha nr2: Lot number: 94
Harvest: 2020
Producer: Adam Overton & Rachel Samuel
Region: Surma 094
Origin: Ethiopia
Altitude: 1,931-2,049m
Varieties: Gesha 1931 (G31)
Process: Natural
Flavours: Jasmine, pomelo, Chinese pear, tea-like
Interview with Adam Overton.
Gesha Village Coffee Estate has been enjoying huge success in the past few years since launch and demand for your excellent coffees keep increasing... Did you foresee this growth and success of your farm, or was this a big surprise?
Our success have definitely been a surprise! It’s always been our intention to be a top farm, but I never thought it would happen this fast - it’s only our 5th harvest. Cup quality has always been the guide for our decision making process, but you never know exactly what will happen until years after you plant the trees.
The past few years the industry has seen more and more producers experimenting with different types of processing methods beyond washed, natural and honey, will Gesha Village be offering these types of different processes as well and why?
We have started experimenting with various processes in the past 2 years. This year, out of 28 experiments, 6 have been selected for our auction, so that’s promising. We will continue to refine these processes in years to come, as people are always seeking a new flavor experience.